Looking for affordable housing?


Looking for affordable housing?
How to apply for a rented home from Ashford Borough Council or a housing association.
First your need to complete the council’s Choice Based Lettings housing application form. (You must be registered on the Ashford Housing Register to apply for a home from the council or a housing association).
You can pick up a copy in person from the Civic Centre in Tannery Lane, Ashford or at the Ashford or Tenterden Gateways or you can call the Housing Services team and ask for a form to be sent to you. Alternatively you can download a form from the council’s website.
You then need to take your completed form in person along with all the necessary supporting documents to one of the council’s housing drop-in sessions at the Ashford Gateway in Park Mall, Ashford. Details below:
Tuesdays & Fridays 10am – noon
The council and local housing associations use Kent HomeChoice to advertise all available properties to rent from council’s and housing associations across the county and is the place where you will look and bid for homes once you have been accepted on the Housing Register.
For more information and to download an application form visit www.ashford.gov.uk/housing or call the Housing team on 01233 330688.