Citizenship Award

We in Brabourne are very lucky in having so many people in the parish who put themselves out for others, and to mark this the Citizenship Award is made annually, in memory of Councillor Goodall.    The Award pays tribute to Councillor Goodall, who did a great deal for the community and marks the affection and respect with which he is regarded.

The Citizenship Award is for someone who has worked for the community and for the people.   If you know of someone who has helped others, put themselves out, ‘gone the extra mile’, then please put them forward.   Send nominations (in confidence) to the Brabourne Parish Clerk, Sue Wood (contact details below) or to any member of Brabourne Parish Council, by 12th January, saying why you think your nominee deserves the Award.

The winner will be chosen by Brabourne Parish Council at its January meeting, and the Award will be presented at the Annual Brabourne Parish Meeting in March.

Please send your nomination to:

Mrs S Wood, 14 Sandyhurst Lane, Ashford TN25 4NS 01233 623902


or from the Home Page of the community website:

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