Hospital Field – KCC Panel meeting

At last an update! The Regulations Committee of Kent County Council will be carrying out a site meeting of Hospital Field on 3rd December at 10.00 to view the site the subject of our Village Green application.

We particularly need to show our presence on Hospital Field at the time of the meeting. Dog walkers are particularly welcome and anyone else who wishes to walk, dance or sing(!) can turn up.

The site visit is open to the public and isn’t handled with great formality. The Chairman usually asks the Members and officers to introduce themselves and invites other people to do the same. He then asks the Officer to briefly explain what is being looked at.

The Officer (Melanie McNeir) usually prefaces her remarks by saying that the actual debate on the issues will take place at the Panel meeting which will be held in Maidstone at 14.00 the same day. She will then briefly outline the application, pointing out the features that the formal discussion is likely to focus on. She usually stresses that the decision will depend on whether all the various legal tests have been met, rather than on subjective factors such as whether the land looks like a village green or whether it would be desirable for it to be one.

The Chairman then asks people if they have anything that they wish Members to be aware of – particularly anything that they wish them to see. We have asked Clare Bell, our local KCC councillor, to speak at the Maidstone hearing on our behalf. We do not think it is necessary for our legal adviser to attend as she has already made representations in writing.

Please spread the word, let your neighbours and friends know and turn up on the day come rain or shine. This is our last chance to get the field listed as a Village Green on
3rd DECEMBER 2019 at 10.00

Thank you!

Brabourne Parish Council