Planning applications 2010

Planning applications received by Brabourne Parish Council in 2010 are listed here.  To view the applications themselves, click on the application number below, which takes you to the Case Summary on the borough council website.

10/00202/AS    Church Farmhouse, The Street, Brabourne  TN25 5LR      Proposed demolition of existing garage and the erection of replacement garage with added store studio and rooms within the roof voids     

10/00320/AS    Oak Cottage, Fiddling Lane, Brabourne  TN25 6AP    Proposed extension of existing first floor dormer windows

10/00264/AS    Fairview Farm, Fiddling Lane, Brabourne  TN25 6AP  Block up existing bathroom window and new window installed on north elevation

10/00514/AS   Ivy Cottage, Canterbury Road, Brabourne  TN25 5LL   Erection of a single storey rear extension and addition of dormer window to rear

10/00515/AS   (Application for Listed Building Consent)  Ivy Cottage, Canterbury Road, Brabourne  TN25 5LL   Erection of a single storey rear extension and addition of dormer window to rear, replacement door on SE elevation and replacement window on NE elevation, replacement  stairs, removal of partition wall of landing at 1st floor, opening up of existing window serving bedroom 1, creation of door opening in place of window serving kitchen, removal of partition wall at ground floor

10/00712/AS   Bircholt Court, Bircholt Lane, Brabourne  TN25 5LD    Erection of a building to form a new milking parlour following demolition of 2 no. existing buildings

10/00735/AS   Prospect Farmhouse, Lees Road, Brabourne TN25 6QE  Two storey side extension and re-build of existing single storey side extension as part of extension

10/00642/AS   (Application for Listed Building Consent)  Five Bells, The Street, East Brabourne  TN25 5LP   Internal works to include new glazed lobby, removal of walls and creation of new opening to ground floor and re-opening of fireplace and cleaning of timbers

10/00451/AS   (Application for Listed Building Consent) Shabani, 1 Coomb Farm, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne TN25 5LY   Installation of two inline tile vents

10/00909/AS  Shabani, 1 Coomb Farm, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne TN25 5LY    Removal of existing spiral staircase and installation of new staircase and conversion of roof space over garage with installation of dormer and roof lights and conservatory

10/00910/AS    (Application for Listed Building Consent) Shabani, 1 Coomb Farm, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne TN25 5LY   Removal of existing spiral staircase and installation of new staircase and conversion of roof space over garage with installation of dormer and roof lights and conservatory

10/00969/AS   Orpins Stores, Lees Road, Brabourne TN25 6QE   Single storey rear extension and a new shopfront to Orpin Stores and conversion of first floor redundant store to two bedroom residential unit with new external access staircase

10/00659/AS   (Application for Listed Building Consent)  Five Bells, The Street, East Brabourne  TN25 5LP    One and a half storey rear extension with accessa t first floor; removal of walls and erection of new partitions at first floor to form 5 no. ensuite bedrooms; new stairs from first to attic floor; enlargement of exisiting windows to side elevation and new canopy to entrance door

10/00671/AS  Five Bells, The Street, East Brabourne  TN25 5LP   Erection of part single part two storey rear extension to extend public house and provide ancillary staff accommodation and addition of flue to chimney

10/01060/AS  Fairview, Bridge Road, Brabourne  TN25 6QQ    Demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of two three bedroom dwellings

10/00787/AS  Black Horse, Fiddling Lane, Brabourne TN25 AP  Erection of decking to public house

10/01291/AS  The Wheelwrights, Canterbury Road, Brabourne  TN25 5LW  Single storey extension to create a ground floor dining room and link lobby

10/01107/AS  (Application for Listed Building Consent)  Bircholt Court, Bircholt Lane, Brabourne  TN25 5LD   Replacement of old kitchen window with larger window by enlarging the window frame by three courses of bricks

10/01276/AS  California Barn, Quarrington Lane, Brabourne  TN25 5NF   Proposed demolition of California Barn to provide 1 no. residential unit, including part demolition of the barn and full demolition of an open sided agricultural barn to allow erection of double garage and change of use of agricultural land to garden and erection of fencing

10/01465/AS   (Application for Listed Building Consent)   Ivy Cottage, Canterbury Road, Brabourne  TN25 5LL  Fitting of glazed and panel doors inot new opening previously consented under ref 10/00515/AS and replacement glazed doors to living room

10/01629/AS  Church Farmhouse, The Street, Brabourne TN25 5LR   Proposed new barn for use as double garage and office/study, with annexe room in roof.  Increase in height of existing garage, to be oak clad and enlargement of access and turning area

10/01660/AS  (Application for Listed Building Consent)  California Barn, Quarrington Lane, Brabourne  TN25 5NF   Proposed demolition of California Barn to provide 1 no. residential unit, including part demolition of California barn and full demolition of a separate open sided agricultural barn

10/01707/AS and 10/01708/AS  Erection of porch and detached garden room.   Listed building consent for erection of porch