Planning applications 2013
13/0015/AS Brewers Meadow, Weekes Lane, Brabourne TN25 5LZ Erction of a general purpose agricultural/equestrian building
13/00041/AS Bircholt Court, Bircholt Lane, Brabourne TN25 5LD Extension to milking parlour building and erection of concrete walls and gates to form enclosed yards
12/01439/AS (amended) Land North East and adjacent, 5 Manse Field, Brabourne Construction of two semi detached three bedroom houses plus six parking bays
13/00039/AS (Listed Building Consent) Church Farmhouse, The Street, Brabourne Replacement conservatory and side extension. Rebuild of existing side store. Extension of rear cloakroom and porch. Insertion of windows to the front elevation at first floor level and new lead canopy to front door
13/00171/AS & 13/00172/AS (Listed Building Consent) Shabani 1 Coomb Farm, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne Extension to garage to form maternity bat roost
13/00184/AS The Alders, Weekes Lane, Brabourne Erection of a two storey rear extension (retrospective)
13/00185/AS Fords Water Farm, Manor Pound Lane, Brabourne Erection of an agricultural building
13/00186/AS Fords Water Farm, Manor Pound Lane, Brabourne Erection of a replacement cart shed and erection of new entrance gates and walls to both the vehicular and pedestrian entrances
12/01308/AS Clovelly, Canterbury Road, Brabourne Single storey rear extension to rear of existing bungalow and erection of one dwelling (amended plans)
13/00235/AS Hope Farm, Bulltown Lane, Brabourne Erection of cattle cubicle building
13/00291/AS 10 Knatchbull Way, Brabourne Proposed porch/roof canopy extension
13/00287/AS Pendana, Hampton Lane, Brabourne Extension and change of use of garage to annex
13/00326/AS La Vale, Manor Pound Lane, Brabourne Application for Lawful Development Certificate for existing use – small light workshop
13/00420/AS Chaucer Court, Hampton Lane, Brabourne Proposed rear extension and replacement garage
13/00450/AS Woodsmoke, Hampton Lane, Brabourne Proposed two storey rear extension (amended scheme to 12/00098/AS)
13/00300/AS Chapel Farm Barn, Canterbury Road, Brabourne Conversion of barn to farm store and development of replacement dwelling house
13/00656/AS 35 Prospect Way, Brabourne Proposed single storey side extension to form utility room together with a single storey conservatory at rear
13/00386/AS Hill Side, Weekes Lane, Brabourne Demolition of existing detached bungalow to be replaced with new build single storey dwelling
13/00704/AS 1 Mountbatten Way, Brabourne Change of use of garage to study
13/00757/AS Beddlestone Grange, Hampton Lane, Brabourne Erection of detached garage
13/00764/AS and 13/00765/AS Five Bells, The Street, Brabourne Proposed two storey rear extension and erection of single storey outbuilding for general storage
13/00838/AS 6 Knatchbull Way, Brabourne Erection of a two storey extension
12/01200/AS Five Bells, The Street, Brabourne Proposed rear extension and erection of a detached storage building
13/00915/AS Providence, Canterbury Road, Brabourne Garage conversion and single storey linked extension
13/00997/AS Measday House, Bulltown Lane, Brabourne Proposed conversion of existing garage
13/01032/AS Raffles, Canterbury Road, Brabourne First floor alteration and extension
13/01084/AS and 13/01083/AS Hope Farm, Bulltown Lane, Brabourne Internal alterations to include removal of existing walls to ground floor; erection of new partitions to first floor and provision of en-suite to master bed; replacement porch and new window to rear (SE) elevation; 1 no. conservation rooflight to rear rooofslope.
13/01106/AS Orpins Stores, Lees Road, Brabourne Demolition of single storey extension to Orpins Stores and an erection of an attached two storey dwelling
13/01136/AS 38 Knatchbull Way, Brabourne Erection of two storey side extension
13/01243/AS Tree Tops, Lees Road, Brabourne Proposed first floor balcony to rear elevation
13/01284/AS Court Lodge, The Street, Brabourne (Listed Building Consent) Enlargement of existing fireplace to ground floor; demolition of existing and erection of new partitions to first floor; replacement of existing rooflight and increase width of existing opening to East elevation at second/attic floor level
13/01309/AS 1 The Warren, Brabourne Erection of a two storey side extension