Planning applications 2015

15/00088/AS  Bircholt Court, Bircholt Lane, Brabourne TN25 5LD     Extension to agricultural building (retrospective)

15/00131/AS  12 Mountbatten Way, Brabourne  TN25 6PZ  Conversion of garage into residential accommodation

15/00144/AS  1 Primrose Cottage, Bulltown Lane, Brabourne  TN25 5NB   To erect a conservatory to the rear of the property

15/00224/AS and 15/00225/AS   Boulding House, Weekes Lane, Brabourne  TN25 5LZ  Replacement entrance porch to south elevation and Listed Building Consent

15/00263/AS  1 Manse Field  TN25 6QH  Proposed loft conversion with dormers along side and rear extension

15/00080/AS  Bircholt Court, Bircholt Lane, Brabourne TN25 5LD  Extension to an agricultural building (retrospective)

15/00361/AS  Pemsey Farm, Lees Road, Brabourne  TN25 6QB  Lawful Development Certificate – Existing – Use of the approved stables for the livery of horses
15/00620/AS  The Wheelwrights, Canterbury Road, Brabourne  TN25 5LW  Erection of a single storey rear extension

15/00698/AS  St Cyriac, The Street, Brabourne  TN25 5LR  Erection of a three bay oak framed garage with room over

15/00782/AS (Listed Building Consent) and 15/00781/AS  Little Foord, Bulltwon Lane, Brabourne TN25 5NB  Alterations to existing barn to provide additional residential accommodation, including glazed link extension to existing house, demolition of existing porch to rear and restoration of original external walls and roof adjacent.

15/00873/AS  Sirocco, Canterbury Road, Brabourne TN25 6QP  First Floor, rear extension

15/00988/AS  53 Prospect Way, Brabourne  TN25 6RL  Insertion of 1 dormer window to front elevation and 2 dormer windows to rear elevation tp facilitate loft conversion

15/01182/AS  Church Farmhouse, The Street, East Brabourne TN25 5LR    Replacement conservatory and side extension; Rebuild of existing side store. Extension of rear cloakroom and porch. Insertion of windows to the front elevation at first floor level and new lead canopy to front door (revision to approved application 14/01345/AS)

15/01122/AS  and  15/01123/AS  Five Bells, The Street, East Brabourne  TN25  5LP   storey rear extension, erection of single storey detached storage building, relocation of oil storage tank.  Internal alterations at ground floor. Alterations to west (side) elevation including blocking up of existing windows and relocation of door and replacement of bifold door with replacement door and returns.

15/01258/AS  Missingham Farm, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne  TN25 5LU  Conversion of four barns to provide a two storey office, a workshop/storage facility and two holiday lets, together with the demolition of a fifth barn

15/01328/AS  Woodlands, Hampton Lane, Brabourne  TN25 5PN  Erection of a detached double garage to include study/office and conversion of existing attached garage to residential

15/00959/AS  Land north of Parsonage Farm, The Street, Brabourne  Creation of new access and driveway for existing agricultural use (retrospective)

15/01443/AS  Little Foord, Bulltown Lane, Brabourne   Erection of a detached garden storage shed

15/01501/AS  Land between Canterbury Road and Lees Road, Brabourne   Change of use of land for the keeping of horses, erection of a stable block with hard standing, fencing and access track

15/01490/AS  8 Prospect Way, Brabourne Lees  Erection of a two storey side extension incorporating an integral garage plus a single storey rear extension & front single storey porch 

 15/01571/AS  Chapel Farm Barn, Canterbury Road, Brabourne  Change of use of barn building to create holiday let accommodation