Planning applications 2016

15/01677/AS  Hillside Lime Works, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne    Demolition of existing agricultural buildings and erection of new single storey building to comprise new dwelling with associated garden and parking

16/00171/AS  Land between 1 The Lees Close Northside and Hollybush, Lees Road, Brabourne, Kent  Change of use to residential curtilage and erection of 1.8m high close boarded fences to northern and southern boundaries

16/00200/AS  1 Sunnyside, Lees Road, Brabourne   Proposed removal of existing extensions and replacement with a 2 storey side extension and associated alterations

16/00303/AS  Land between Canterbury Road and Lees Road  Outline Planning Application for up to 125 residential dwellings

16/00383/AS  Missingham Farm, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne   Alterations to elevations of building 6

16/00558/AS  The Hall, Weekes Lane, Brabourne (Listed Building Consent)   Digging two trial pits in the basement through a modern concrete floor; 2. Digging a single trial pit in the ground floor dining room through a modern concrete floor. 3. Creating 400x400mm holes in modern ceiling finishes and box-ing out at the rear of the ground floor (C1 and C2) to expose the downstand beam of the original rear wall of the house. 4. Creating 400x400mm holes in modern plasterboard ceilings to expose the original ceiling and joists underneath (First floor – C7, C8, C9. Second Floor – C12). 5. Removing a 200mm section of the presumed to be modern cornice in Bedroom 1 on the first floor. 6. Carefully lifting two modern treads and risers to expose the underlying construction on the secondary staircase to the second floor (STO1). 7. Creating three openings, no more than 600x600mm in size, on three internal walls including the front wall in Bedroom 2 on the first floor (W1) and two walls enclosing the secondary staircase on the second floor (W3 and W4).

16/00567/AS & 16/00568/AS  Five Bells, The Street, Brabourne  Retrospective temporary application for a new oak frame pergola, marquee frame with roof over and a lightweight timber structure to enclose the existing chiller and food store. 

16/00606/AS   The Alders, Weekes Lane, Brabourne   Lawful development certificate – existing – alterations & extensions to dwelling 

16/00540/AS   Luxway, Manor Pound Lane, Brabourne  Conversion of existing garage/store into holiday accommodation

16/00644/AS  Conley Farm Barn, Bulltown Lane, Brabourne   Prior approval for the change of use agricultural barn to single dwellinghouse and associated operational development.

16/00589/AS  Park Corner Cottage, Canterbury Road, Brabourne   New vehicular access (retrospective)

16/00866/AS  Church Farmhouse, The Street, East Brabourne    Replacement conservatory & side extension. Rebuild of existing side store. Extension of rear cloakroom and porch. Insertion of windows to the front elevation at first floor level and new lead canopy to front door. 

16/00633/AS  &  16/00634/AS  Church Farmhouse, The Street, East Brabourne   Two storey rear extension, removal of existing first floor windows to facilitate extension. Increase in size of single storey side extension to listed building consent 13/00039/AS.

16/01001/AS  Church Barn, The Street, Brabourne   Single storey rear extension

16/01216/AS  1 Mountbatten Way, Brabourne   Replace existing 1.6m close boarded fence with 1.8m close boarded fence with concrete gravel board & posts

16/01237/AS  1 Manse Field, Brabourne   Proposed single storey side & rear extensions

16/01228/AS  Land known as Stowting Paddock, Scots Lane, Brabourne   Proposed new stable buidling

16/01374/AS & 16/01375/AS  The Hall, Weekes Lane, Brabourne   Single storey link extension (to replace conservatory); two storey extension, replacement porch; new dormer and replacement roofs to existing dormers; replacement outbuildings including swimming pool; creation of driveway; conservation lake, boat house & jetty & bridge; renovation of barns

16/01399/AS  The Haven, Canterbury Road, Brabourne  Roof extension and side/rear extensions
16/01409/AS   Coomb House, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne  Erection of a single storey rear extension, additional dormer to front elevation and increase in size of existing front dormers and replacement of existing hanging tiles with weatherboarding.
16/01419/AS  19 The Warren, Brabourne  Front porch & side extension
16/01492/AS  45 Prospect Way, Brabourne   Single storey rear extension, new roof to garage and porch and window replacement