Planning Applications 2017

17/00435/AS  Stowting Paddock, Scots Lane, Brabourne   New vehicular access on to the site, including new fence and gate

17/00480/AS  &  17/00481/AS  (Listed Building Consent)  Church Farmhouse,The Street, Brabourne   Demolition and replacement side single storey extension. Demolition and replacement of existing rear conservatory with two storey rear extension. New canopy to front elevation. Reinstate existing bricked up first floor windows and replacement of rear toilet window at ground floor. Minor internal changes.  

17/00642/AS  Green Lane Cottage, Green Lane, Brabourne  Demolition of existing stables and construction of replacement stable block

17/00702/AS  Waterside Farm, Manor Pound Lane, Brabourne   Extension to existing dwelling to create ancillary accommodation

17/00752/AS  Barn at, Beddlestone Farm, Hampton Lane, Brabourne   Prior approval for change of use from agricultural barn to one dwelling house 

17/00797/AS  1 Downside, Canterbury Road, Brabourne    Proposed single storey side extension and installation of window on first floor side (south) elevation

17/01072/AS  Hillside, Lime Works, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne    Variation of condition 11 to change the design and details on the approved plans on planning permission 15/01677/AS for the demolition of existing agricultural buildings and erection of new single storey building to comprise new dwelling with associated garden and parking  

17/01125/AS  The Hall, Weekes Lane, Brabourne    Single storey link extension (to replace conservatory); two storey extension, replacement porch; new dormer and replacement roofs to existing dormers; replacement staircases; ground floor – enlargement of existing internal openings; replacement of windows with doors; enlargement of opening to fireplace and blocking up window; reconfiguration of first floor and extend ceiling height; removal of partitions on second floor to create 2 no. bedrooms/ensuites and extend ceiling height; including additional details for works to the roof and existing basement. Barns: renovations to all barns including replacement fenestration, addition of staircase, timber repairs; including additional details for works to the roof. (Revision to allow for phasing of works granted under listed building consent 16/01375/AS including details relating to roof of main house and tanking of basement).

17/01140/AS  The Hall, Weekes Lane, Brabourne    Variation of conditions 6 (drainage), 7 (external lighting) and 10 (foundation design) on planning approval 16/01374/AS (Single storey link extension (to replace conservatory); two storey extension, replacement porch; new dormer windows and replacement roofs to existing dormers; replacement outbuildings including swimming pool; creation of driveway; conservation lake, boat house & jetty & bridge; renovation of barns and erection of various outbuildings) to allow for phasing of the approved development.

17/01148/AS  The Hall, Weekes Lane, Brabourne   Proposed new lake house & jetty revised scheme approved under application 16/01374/AS

17/01158/AS   Knapwick Farm, Pilgrims Way, Brabourne    Lawful Development Certificate – Existing – Continued use of site for residential and commercial use with associated buildings 

17/01173/AS  Chaucer Court, Hampton Lane, Brabourne    Proposed single storey side extension; changes to fenestration on rear

17/01470/AS  Agricultural Building east of Oaktree Cottage, Manor Pound Lane, Brabourne  Prior approval for change of use from agricultural barn to a single dwelling 

17/01524/AS  Land known as Stowting Paddock, Scots Lane, Brabourne  Lawful development certificate – Existing – Use of access 

17/01587/AS  Waterside Farm, Manor Pound Lane, Brabourne   Extension to existing dwelling to create ancillary accommodation (revision to planning permission granted under application 17/00702/AS)

17/01621/AS  The Hall, Weekes Lane, Brabourne   Proposed demolition of existing judges folly and replacement pool house 

17/01610/AS   Plough Inn, Lees Road, Brabourne   Erection of 4 detached bungalows (3 bed); new vehicular access / junction works; hard and soft landscaping and associated works

17/00002/OLE/AS  Overhead Lines from Shabani to The Hall, Weekes Lane, Brabourne  
Removal of 6No. spans of low voltage overhead line and installation of a stub pole to support existing pole transformer.
17/01841/AS  Park Farm, Pound Lane, Brabourne  Erection of 1.2m gates and new field access for farm vehicles